Annual Cooperative Marketing Plan & Opportunities
Each year, the Golden Isles CVB offers a robust cooperative marketing plan to our local partners. These opportunities are part of our annual media plan and allow partners to collaborate with the CVB on major advertising placements. From CVB-owned channels, such as emails, social, and website, to national advertising opportunities, there are positions available to suit most budgets and market focuses.
Although co-op placements are open to all tourism-related businesses in the Golden Isles, special pricing is exclusively available to those who are part of our Partnership Program.
The CVB hosts an annual cooperative marketing meeting to introduce the upcoming year's new plan. This meeting is typically held in September. For more information, please contact Zoe Greene.
CVB Website
New this year! The CVB is excited to offer native advertising placements throughout our website. Partners may select specific pages to…
CVB Social Media
New this year! For the first time, the CVB is offering dedicated short-form video placements through the Golden Isles Instagram…
Welcome Centers
Choose from two large-format display advertising opportunities at area Welcome Centers. These placements will run on a 12-month cycle…
CVB Emails
Monthly emails are deployed through the CVB's vast national database of nearly 150,000 subscribers. In 2023, co-op partners received an…
National Print
The CVB offers one of the most robust print co-op programs across the country. Opportunities include regional and national placements…
National Digital
Complement your print placements by taking advantage of digital placements through many of the same publications. Opportunities include…