CVB-Owned Social Media Opportunities

New this year! For the first time, the CVB is offering dedicated short-form video placements through the Golden Isles Instagram account. These dedicated reels will be captured and produced by the CVB's social media team. The month prior to your placement, the CVB's social media team will coordinate a day and time to collect content at your property. Proofs will be shared for approval to the partner two weeks prior to deployment. The CVB will retain all creative direction and content development to ensure consistent branding and tone of voice. The CVB may repurpose shots and segments to be included in non-dedicated reels at their discretion. 

Instagram Followers: 23k+

Partners are currently limited to one placement per year. If you are interested in multiple placements, please indicate so in the form below and we will do our best to accommodate your request based on availability.

Submit your desired placement through the form below. Contact Zoe Greene with any questions.

This is an example of a dedicated reel as part of the CVB's social media co-op.

Available Placements

January 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in December | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of January

February 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in January | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of February

March 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in February | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of March

April 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in March | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of April

May 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in April | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of May

June 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in May | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of June

July 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in June | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of July

August 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in July | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of August

September 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in August | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of September

October 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in September | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of October

November 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in October | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of November

December 2025 | Two Spots | $500 | CVB Content Collection in November | Deploys 1st & 3rd Week of December

Social Media Co-op Order Form

Please complete this form to secure your social media placement(s). All placements are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis and cannot be guaranteed based on popularity. Once your form is received, our partnership team will follow up with confirmation or alternative options. Partners are limited to three placements per year. Placements cannot be reserved during consecutive months.

The CVB's marketing and partnership teams will coordinate a time to visit your business at least a month prior to your scheduled social post. All content will remain property of the Golden Isles CVB. Partners are required to provide CVB staff with necessary access, tours, food and beverage items, etc. to ensure a seamless and professional production. The CVB will not incur additional costs to purchase goods or services as part of your social post. 

Your Information

Social Media Placements

Please select up to three social media placements you'd like to secure. Placements cannot be consecutive months.

If the placement(s) you have selected is not available, please provide a list of other options you'd like to purchase. Or, if you've selected your maximum number of placements, please list other options you're interested in should they become available in the future.

* Indicates a required field.